Italians are huge about their recycling.
The directions were posted in our apartment. Unfortunately, they were in Italian. Even after a good ol' google translate, they were still pretty confusing. Something about meeting at marked collection plants between the one hour time slots provided for each apartment between the hours of 7:30 and 10:30.
It was rough. Time was running out. Sooner or later, the big pile of trash growing and festering in the corner would come to life and start eating people.
But, like smart college students, Adam and I sat down, opened a couple beers and figured it out! Just find one of these garbage trucks parked in specific locations at certain times and drop off the properly sorted recyclables or disposables in the appropriately colored bags.
(Credit: Flickr)
Say buongiorno to the lady in the funny looking, bright-orange jumpsuit smoking a cigarette and you're off to enjoy a coffee.
(Credit: Flickr)
That wasn't too bad.